Wednesday, October 15, 2014

File Search and Recursive grep

File Search and Recursive grep:
    //This command will search in the current directory and its sub-directories for a file named 
    find * -name "" -print
    find . -name "" -print

NOTE: The -print option will print out the path of any file that is found with that name. 

//This command will only list file names eG*.sh.
    find . -type f -name 'eG*.sh'

//Search file called httpd.conf in all directories:
    find / -type f -name httpd.conf

//Search file called httpd.conf in /usr/local directory:
    $ find /usr/local -type f -name httpd.conf

-----------------------------grep command--------------------------
grep command is used to search some content in a file or list of files. The input we provide is case sensitive
for grep command. There are options to overcome this.

For Non-Zip files:
    grep 'SMS' applicationNonZip.log.txt     (CASE-SENSITIVE "SMS")
    grep -i 'SMS' applicationNonZip.log.txt  (NON CASE-SENSITIVE "SMS")

For Zip files:
    zgrep 'SMS' application.log.gz
    zgrep -i 'SMS' application.log.gz

For Searching Recursively in current directory and its sub-directories:
    grep -r --include=*.sh MAIN_CLUSTER .     
Search MAIN_CLUSTER in *.sh files in current directory and sub-directories. It will print file Name and Matched Line Contents.

grep -rl SMS *
Search SMS recursively and print ONLY FILE NAMES containing SMS. It will not print Matched Line Contents.

Search String Forward:   /STRING  (Press ENTER. Press "n" for next occurance, "N" (SHIFT+n) for back occurance).  
SHIFT+g (means G, will take cursor to end of file). Press only g, you will be moved to begining of file.

Search and Replace First occurance:          :s/EG3_OLD/EG2_NEW
Search and Replace in one line occurance:    :s/EG3_OLD/EG2_NEW/g
Search and Replace in entire File all Occurance:      :%s/EG3_OLD/EG2_NEW/g

//Check Running Processes
ps -eaf | cut -c -125 | grep  _PROCESSNAME

//Setting Java Home Path in Unix
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_60
export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:.:
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH:

//Search and Replace String in a File without opening
sed -i -- 's/OLD/NEW/g'

//List of Users in ubuntu
compgen -u

//List of User Groups in ubuntu
compgen -g

//Create user in ubuntu
sudo adduser lion     (It will ask for password and details, enter those...)

//To know which group current logged in user belongs to:

//To know which group any user belongs to:

----------------------Setting Oracle Home in Unix------------------------
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
export ORACLE_SID=orcl

//Login to Oracle System
Enter user-name: USERNAME
Enter password:  password

//Login to Oracle System as SYSDBA
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup   (Start Oracle Instance)
SQL> exit

lsnrctl start  (Start Oracle Listener)

//Setting Linesize and PageSize in Unix. Run below command in SQL Prompt.
SET linesize 300;
SET pagesize 2000;
//Setting AutoTrace On, this will give detailed plan if we execute any sql query in oracle. Run below command in SQL Prompt.
SET autotrace ON;

//Manual Index Query in Oracle
select /*+ index(TABLE_NAME index_name) */ Count(*) from TABLE_NAME where 
    time_stamp >='06-NOV-13' and time_stamp <='07-NOV-13' and card_no = 'XXXXX';
